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  1. I am personally really looking forward do multiplayer for the soul reasons of multi-stage missions that require landing a craft while getting another into orbit at the same time. And while this can be done with mods, it will never be as good as an official multiplayer. Plus, if you don't want to use multiplayer, you don't have to. I am really excited for this!
  2. Congratulations! (Not on the test) Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished. I would like to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds. I can start getting everything working while you perform a simple test, which involves deadly lasers and how test subjects react to being locked in a room with deadly lasers. He's not just a regular moron, he is the product of the greatest minds of a generation with the express purpose of making the dumbest moron who ever lived...and you just put him in charge of the entire facility. (Slow clapping intenstifies)
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