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  1. I dont know if this means anything or not. It seems related, so, i decided to just launch directly through the KSP_x64.exe. Well the good news is that, on windows, i no longer have a showstopper error and its not yelling at me anymore. Only thing it is telling me is that the Tweakscale version is outdated. Everything works as it did before. In summary, my question now, does this relate to the PDlauncher in anyway? If so, launching from the KSP_x64.exe directly seems to have temporarily managed this, for me at least.
  2. Can confirm the post above about Scale.PartDB.19x.dll. I am only able to understand the basics of debugging these logs due to programming in Assembly language, however, i am only capable of programming hardware and not software as i dont know any other language besides Assembly and C++/#. Even still, my knowledge wouldnt get me far enough to understand the code well enough to trace it. I only understand it well enough to get a basic idea of what its doing. That said, Below is the section of Log that lists this error. [LOG 20:35:04.475] [KSPSteamController]: Loaded. Initializing hooks... [LOG 20:35:04.551] [StationKeeping] Version StationKeeping, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [LOG 20:35:04.551] [TrimIndicators] Version TrimIndicators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [LOG 20:35:04.552] [KSPe.Light.TweakScale] Version /L for TweakScale /L [LOG 20:35:04.602] [TweakScale] Version /L [LOG 20:35:06.090] [KSPe.Binder] Hooked. [ERR 20:35:06.094] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: Scale.PartDB.19x [LOG 20:35:06.096] [KSPe.Binder] Looking for Scale.PartDB.19x.dll on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\... [LOG 20:35:06.102] [KSPe.Binder] Found it on GameData\TweakScale\Plugins\PluginData\Scale.PartDB.19x.dll. [LOG 20:35:06.152] [TweakScale] Support for KSP 1.9.0 to 1.12.3 Version /L [ERR 20:35:06.246] Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI [ERR 20:35:06.248] Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI [LOG 20:35:06.249] [TweakScale] "TweakScale advises" about KSP was displayed. Below is the full log shared. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vlKeBJ5HawIADUiebTbXb-GL7JbA1uqw/view?usp=sharing I loaded the game with Tweakscale installed just for giggles to see what it would do. Well the game loads, its working fine and i can interact with menus and what not, until i place a part. Once i have placed the part, i can no longer interact with it. Oh yeah, i can also no longer leave the VAB? not sure how that was connected, but, that is my update.
  3. Did the 1.12.4 surprise update break tweakscale support for anyone else? Just curious to know. The game runs fine without it, however any mod that also *depended* upon tweakscale is also not working currently.
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