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  1. Thanks i also want to share and test weapons config, still trying to find a middle term between Pronav and AAM, on longer range with weapons that have a longer burn and a poor max Torque and AoA like Aim-54 pronav is way better than AAM but on closer range weapons tend to overshoot the target, even more if it's fast with a smaller burn time like R-27ER, also to find the ingame difference for ProNav and AugProNav since i didn't notice any
  2. i tested out to find what you need to change first you need change this to true terminalManeuvering = true for what i tested it let the missile change it course on final phase, second you need to set your antirad targets with this bit of code antiradTargetTypes = 0,1,2,3,4,5 it's exact like the rwrtype config on radars but this time what kinda of radar it would target, here a list if you don't remeber 0 = SAM site radar 1 = Fighter radar 2 = AWACS radar 3, 4 = ACTIVE MISSILE 5 = Detection radar 6 = SONAR and this is kinda useless since it's isnt ARH on it's terminal phase radarLOAL = true here the test missile i did using a HQ-2 as base from kerbal field
  3. @DocNappers There is a BDA+ discord? for sharing planes and weapons configs?
  4. Thanks for the response, about the LOAL it's just lock anything pass in front of it( if something pass) i wanted something more specific, tried even to do a modular missile with a datalink inside it since I.A automatic use it, but no sucess, and when i put a weapon manager to try and activate it manually it tends to just bug out the missile guidance if i open it's weapon manager mid-flight, also tried put the line canReceiveRadarData = true but no luck too, when i lose it's lock before the internal radar kicks in, it's still fly mindless until someone pass in front of it or it hits the water , i'm trying to do the missile change it target mid-flight before the active radar range zone
  5. i don't know where to ask, but there is a way to give a radar missile(normal or modular) some data link capability so it can reaquire lock midflight?
  6. I also have the same problem, no matter what i do i can't reload the rail automatically, what i do is use KIS and KAS and let an engineer at a pod on the deck so when i land i use him to take the missiles from the inventory and manually install back on the rails, the reloadable rail works best to do this since the adjustable one when installing like that the missile can get in a strange position
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