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  1. Awesome anyhow. I hope you take your time and don't feel rushed. You're a great Modder and I appreciate the time you take to respond to posts like this. Keep up the great work, Than!
  2. Hey Benjee! I love this mod and so many others that you've made up to this point. I just have a small question, and it's if you know of anyone that's made custom IVAs for the M100C command cabin using ASET? And if so could you provide a link? thanks!
  3. Actually I forgot to post an update. After checking various visual mods versioning files I had stumbled upon a rather sneaky blunder. One of the waterfall configs I was running (Specifically, Waterfall Restock) comes bundled with a version of waterfall itself. After checking the version available and the version in my game directory I was astounded to see that the version the other mod came with is an older version. So I reinstalled Waterfall itself back to it's most latest version (sounds silly now that it's been done, heh ) and now the issues are completely resolved. (Side-note, the mechjeb issue I mentioned was due to Kronometer which I'd forgotten was installed.)
  4. hi, I thought I'd make a quick post regarding this issue, as I'm experiencing it as well and can't seem to solve it after repeating the steps you had mentioned to the previous user. Here's a screenshot of the issue itself, and my gamedata folder. https://imgur.com/a/coDILzi The only other possible solution I may consider is to reinstall waterfall itself but other plumes on non-srb's work fine, so I doubt that's the issue.
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