BDarmoury was THE weapons mod for Kerbal Space Program. With a sequel coming up, it will be interesting to see what gets improved.
The original mod was good, but the variety was a little low. Also, there were no space-based weapons or items, apart from that one missile (if you were going to add 1 thing specifically for space, why not add more?)
One of the features I am most excited about adding to BDarmoury will be colonies. The potential the has is massive.
Firstly, it will be possible to set up colonies, then go to war with others. This may add an interesting aspect to the mod, especially if unique mechanics are integrated to facilitate this.
Another thing that is harder but wayyy cooler is extra structures for colonies that are military focused.
Examples include:
AA guns
Ammo storage depot
Long-range (perhaps interplanetary) Missile silo
Short to medium range missile battery
I don't know what could be added for interstellar travel integration, but it would also be interesting. It could allow for grand conflicts across multiple systems, with many Kegadeaths of casualties.
For this to work, the tech tree must have a decent progression path for weapons/other equipment (unguided rocket goes to laser guided goes to active radar missile that impacts at retavitlistic speeds).
Let me know if there is anything you would want for BDA 2.0