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  1. my tip is: don't play it. it's broken and lacking two substantial updates and many bug fixes.
  2. it's not happening everything these devs told us was a lie we should never have trusted them we were idiots to think they ever cared about anything but money
  3. I sure as hell have. I'm sick of waiting 2 years for updates that should have been here months ago. I saw somewhere that one of the KSP staff said we'd have them by year's end. How much y'all wanna bet that was a lie to get us off their backs so they can forget the failure that is KSP "Enhanced" Edition?
  4. yea, work is basically dead at this point I've given up on this joke by now, the "devs" have been lying to our faces for nearly two years now it'll be the same with KSP2, I guarantee it they never cared about console, let's be honest here
  5. I mean, 1.11 and 1.12 were fairly substantial updates, and it really irks me that the console devs left so many game-breaking bugs unfixed. If we can't get the updates, we should at least get a few patches.
  6. We won't. Let's be honest, KSP on console is dead and has been for over a year. I've given up hope on this joke of a game. We should have had both 1.11 and1.12 at least six months ago. It's embarassing that the devs have failed this hard.
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