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  1. Oh! I nearly forgot that! When I assembled the Zhurong rover, I found that the front an rear cantilevers could only be used on the left side of the rover, but the corresponding right cantilevers were not found. I wonder if I didn't find them?
  2. 太喜欢你们的mod了,我已经完成了中国空间站的一期建设,太开心了!!!不过现在有一个小问题和一个小建议: 1.为什么我没找到长征七号火箭助推器的分离器,而且好像用别的分离器没办法正确的安装助推器,导致我现在助推器分离不了。。。所以长征七号的助推分离器在游戏里叫什么呢?还是说我助推器安装的方式有问题? 2.很期待你们能出嫦娥系列的月球探测器^_^ [Translation] I like your mod so much, I have completed the first phase of the construction of the Chinese space station, so happy! ! ! But now there is a small problem and a small suggestion: 1. Why I couldn't find the separator for the booster of the Long March 7 rocket, and it seems that I can't install the booster correctly with other separators, so I can't separate the booster now. . . So what is the boost separator of the Long March 7 called in the game? Or is there something wrong with the way I installed the booster? 2. I am looking forward to your launch of the Chang'e series of lunar probes^_^
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