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Everything posted by MaxCross

  1. I saw quite a few opinions from people that don't like pixelated UI style, so I just wanted to counterweight that and say - I, personaly, really like it. Note: this post is about how UI LOOKS. How it WORKS - is different story. Flight UI - AMAZING. This dark blue with black reminds me of expanse-style millitary grade UI :). Color scheme there is just perfect. The only minor nitpick about it - this pixelated fonts should be monowidth. "1" is not as wide as "9", so numbers jump around in, for example, fuel UI in staging. Also, rounding for that fuel UI should be consistent. If one frame it's "2.21" tons of fuel, and the next is "2.2", is one digit less, so again - numbers jump around. Game SAVE/LOAD UI - also AMAZING. Pause menu styilized for code with syntax highlighting - I really like it! VAB UI, however, is bad, wich is weird, because you guys show an amazing screenshots for it before release. Like, look at this screen from pre alpha, and compare it to what we get in EA.
  2. Camera controls surprisingly more intuitive than I expected from description, but I still would prefered simple "mouse for pitch/yaw, QE for roll". But, more importanly, this mod doesn't change EVA controlls, they are still referencing local orbital plane, so even if I look up and hold W, I still move "forward". And yet FreeIVA uses exactly controlls I described when ship isn't landed). I don't know what "TTE control system" is, but i'm guessing that it's the one that is used in game. Maybe I played games like Elite Dangerous, Everspace 1/2, Star Citizen, Space Engineers, Outer Wilds, or even Prey too much, but for me - 6-DOF controls for zero-G seems like such an obvious choice that I'm surprized that no one in (how much is it - 11 years?) convinced devs to add it to the game as an alternative camera option or at least make a mod for it. (I mean, modders added a roll controlls even to seamoth/seatruck in Subnautica, but to KSP, a game about actual space, with actual EVAs where ship/stations doesn't automaticly align with any kind of "up" vector, where it's actually important - no one ever though about it?) I really hope that there will be an option for that in KSP 2. Thanks for suggestion anyway.
  3. Well, not really. Third person EVA wasn't really a problem for me (although I don't mind a first person sometimes), but rather just the fact that game keeps trying to convince me that there is "up" and "down" in zero gravity, by limiting pitch anglels, not allowing to roll, and, probably worst of it - translating happends in one plane (if I hold W, i move forward, even if I'm looking down). Trying to get close to any speccific part of any object in space is a nightmare unless it's rotated just right. I never understood how people could think that 6-DOF is more disorienting than... this. I'd rather just rotate my character to align with ladder, than trying to aproach it from "bottom", because ship is rotated that way that ladder is facing antinormal. This mod is, while allowing 6-DOF rotation, brings more problems than it solves by forcing me to use default ship rotaion and RCS keys and not using mouse for rotation. I'd rather use WASD, Shift, Ctrl to move relative to camera, mouse for pitch + yaw and QE for roll, like in, basicly, any other game. Anyway, sorry for this offtopic rambling. Didn't figure out appropriate way to upload files on this forum, so I reported it here.
  4. Now I just need a proper free EVA mod wich is simply allows free rotation (6 dergees of freedom, a.k.a allow roll with Q/E and remove min and max pitch limits) on EVA to fix my last majour annoyance with KSP... P.S I too saw a weird hexagonal prism after walking around and going EVA couple of times in Mk1 Command Pod. I installed it with CKAN (I downgraded my game to 1.12.3, since many mods don't support 1.12.4, and I didn't want to always convince CKAN that it's okay to install them anyway. I also have EasyVesselSwitch, PreciseManeuver, ProceduralParts and SimpleFuelSwitch). I can post logs tomorrow, if you'll still need them.
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