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  1. I'm excited to see what sort of mods people will make for ksp 2
  2. I'm completely new to all of this and I'm wanting to add a plume to the "Hyperblast" scramjet from Mk2 stocklike expansion I've read through some of the waterfall wiki and I'm stuck on how to go about adding a module to the engine I've also never made a modulemanager patch but I read through this post and kinda got a better idea of what a patch really is. Any help is much appreciated. I'm realizing already that this may be too much for me and that someone has already made a waterfall config for Mk2 expansion but nonetheless I'd still like to learn.
  3. This was my attempt at a basic story for my first ever video, the craft is very minimal effort and I had to fix it mid production but I think it came out good. I would have liked to add a scene at the end of the crew getting recovered by a rescue craft but I didn't want to put any more time into the video. My mod list is in the video description
  4. I keep seeing this cylinder on my kerbals and sticking out of my craft, I have 86 mods so I'm sure something is incompatible. Anyone know whats going on here?
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