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  1. And now the game is 100% unplayable. If I try and launch a craft, loading screen. That loading screen doesn't go away, I still have control of my craft since I can launch them and hear them. Sooo I guess this game is just a rocket building and audio simulator now.
  2. This is especially frustrating for making reusable rockets, as I cannot land them on land most of the time. Once I separate or decouple the stage just goes straight down.
  3. This bug pretty much makes the game unplayable, if I load any quick save of any craft being in orbit, or even switch to a craft that is in orbit, it will change the orbit to a straight down trajectory and I eventually crash into the surface of the planet. Thanks a lot KSP2, I'm going back to ksp 1 since its wayyy better even without mods in terms of gameplay experience. I truly hope you guys can fix this stuff.
  4. whenever I land a spacecraft on any point on any celestial body and go into the tracking station or vab and back, the craft has either clipped through the ground into the core of the planet or has been put in a geostationary orbit around kerbol, the craft also says it is landed.
  5. I can't find this on CKAN at the moment. Has it just not been released there? Or is it there and something is wrong with my installation? Thanks.
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