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Everything posted by Scandinavian

  1. Current version interacts poorly with MakingHistory. Below patch should fix the heat shields on the Vostok pods and the added 63 cm and 185 cm heat shields: @PART[kv1Pod|kv2Pod|kv3Pod]:FOR[DeadlyReentry] { %maxTemp = 850 %skinMaxTemp = 2700 %skinInternalConductionMult = 0.0001 %emissiveConstant = 0.85 @MODULE[ModuleAblator] { @name = ModuleHeatShield %lossExp = -7500 %lossConst = 1.6 %pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 %reentryConductivity = 0.001 %ablationTempThresh = 500 %depletedMaxTemp = 1200 %charMin = 1 %charMax = 1 %charAlpha = 1 %useNode = true %nodeName = bottom } } @PART[HeatShield0|HeatShield1p5]:FOR[DeadlyReentry] { %leaveTemp = true @MODULE[ModuleAblator] { @name = ModuleHeatShield @reentryConductivity = 0.001 @lossConst = 1 @pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000 depletedMaxTemp = 1200 } } It works on my own (heavily modded) game, but I have not tested on a clean install. If you want the Vostoks to survive an insertion from low orbit to an Earth-sized Kerbin purely on their own heat shield, you'll also need to up their ablator volume to at least 60.
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