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Everything posted by ellisonch

  1. The version I have of JNSQ on KCAN suggests scatterer 0.0838. I haven't noticed any problems. I did have to add the color fix manually, but afterwards Kerbal looks fine. What planet should I look at, and what behavior confirms a problem?
  2. Hi @linuxgurugamer, I'm not the person who posted this problem before, but I'll provide my info with a similar story. > The version of KSP you are playing > How you started it (Steam, by hand, using a shortcut in Steam to bypass the launcher, etc) I start the game by clicking "Launch game" in CKAN > A complete Player.log file (may not be always necessary, but saves time if it is) https://www.dropbox.com/s/jejorbwct18pxij/Player.zip?dl=0 > A complete list of installed mods. To the above, I added bettertimewarpcontinued 2.3.13. > A set of specific steps (including time if that is a factor) to reproduce this. For example, doe sit happen if the mod is installed, but you don't change any of the warp settings (ie: installed, but using stock settings) Here's what I did. I've been playing a save with all of the above mods for a while with no problems. Yesterday, I installed bettertimewarpcontinued, put a ship into orbit around Kerbin, turned on "five warp", did a warp at 1000000x to wait for Duna to get into good position for a transfer, and then I go to do the burn and realize my engine sounds (fwiw, a Terrier engine) stopped playing. Other sounds seemed to work, but engine sounds did not. I closed the game, uninstalled the mod, and upon restarting it, engine sounds are back to working. So then I closed the game, and reinstalled the mod, verified my engine sounds still played, warped at 100000x, stopped the ship, verified engine sounds still worked. Switched settings to "five warp". Sounds still work. Warp at 1000000x, sounds still worked. So I go back to playing normally. This included making some maneuvers, warping to them using the little button on the maneuver control, burning, and then doing some more physics and physicsless warping. After 10 minutes or so (I make it to Duna) I realize the engine sounds have stopped again. So I save, quit the game, and grab the log file from this session (attached above). I uninstalled the mod again, and played for ~4 hours more yesterday and the problem never reoccurred. I've also never had engine sounds quit working before I installed this mod. This is the only mod I installed yesterday, and engine sounds stopped working within minutes of installing (and using the mod) both times. Thanks for all your work you do
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