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Everything posted by adriantheflash

  1. I’m so happy for this multiplayer mechanic I remember needing the darkmultiplayer mod and it was so laggy
  2. I am a record Collector so this is What's in my head: And: Ohh And Of Course:
  3. Sorry I forgot to add this bit... They should add sunk boats ohh and they should add boats and crashed plane
  4. They should add submarines I think it would be fun Like idk what they should do for it but hey if it sounds Good please tell me
  5. They should have destroyed ships floating around in space stuff Like in Career or Science mode you can recover them and get Science and Reputation and also fun thing to find on the tracking station I would personally LOVE THIS!!! Let me know of your thoughts
  6. It would be so cool if there were rouge planets that where all different and orbited themselves so they would stay in place NAME IDEAS: (sorry if there all bad I am not the best at names) Twier Maybe pink and blue (maybe ice) Noover Maybe green Lipe (Idk what color it would be) IDK what else so yeah
  7. So I was thinking about it and was wondering if there could be an optional Water requirement for Kerbals like you could collect water and stuff from like the oceans and ice from Duna or other and that I think would add another reason the use ore/maybe ice Tanks for missions and such
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