Hey man !
How’s it going ?
First of all, I want to say this was the biggest and best mod upgrade I could install on my ksp.. I use it on my phone (with a VM) as a secondary tactile monitor.. works like a charm, flawless… Thanks a lot for putting so much work ito it, its great !
I have a question… I am also building a ksp simpit at home and would like to know if there is a way to display not only information even if its already veerry useful (like heading and other Navball instrumentation) but to display views/images/screens directly from the game ?
What I mean :
Currently, I run ksp with RSS RO mods, Parralax, Canaveral, and so on… and Alcor instruments from ASET… and what I REALLY want to do, is get the Alcor screens in separate windows so I can display them in my cockpit…
I already managed to change a couple textures in the folders of (like kerbin set to real earth textures) but this wont help with the navballs and other instruments…
Idealy, I could display the monitors from Alcor dierctly on Yark and be able to asign the buttons to a USB joystick/ io board…
several years ago I did a similar project; building a full scale A320 Cockpit, and I really want to do the same with ksp, but still haven’t found a way to get either multiple views and/or get those Alcor monitors in separate windows (or even through TCP connection, that would be even doper)
Here is how Alcor’s cockpit looks :
And I want the same but in real at home
Do you think its doable to make some plugin/program/mod like the one I’m talking about ? (Easyest way would be to fetch different views from kerbal in different windows and be able to “save current workspace” or “save current window disposition”, a bit like in FSX, you’d click on an ingame monitor inside the cockpit, it undocks from the main app’s window and you’d move it to your dedicated screen… or just click on “add a new view” and find your intended ingame screen/view)
If you want, I can give you my email adress or phone to discuss more about the project !!
Thanks a lot man !
PS: I tried to find a donnation/patreon page to support your work but could’nt find any I’d love to do so !