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  1. We also need some engines for planes capable of hypersonic speeds such as hybrids like the engine used in the SR-72 or better known as the Darkstar from Top Gun: Maverick which is a Jet Engine/Ramjet hybrid or with the movie version (Darkstar) which was capable of Mach 10 in the movie, a Jet Engine/Scramjet hybrid. Improved physics when time warping in atmosphere (so that my plane isn't torn apart into 10 different pieces the second I press 2x time warp) It would also be nice to have a visual mod maker for parts where you could make models even if had little to no experience in model creation, as well as easy thrust tuning and exhaust animation. Also, more accurate engines for planes with compressors, combustion chambers, and turbines, along with that which would make engines longer you could make it so the engine is inside the plane body and the intakes curve out to the outside of the body without making it so the intakes are there then cut off from the rest of the engine then the engine somehow gets the intake air. Sidenote: it would be cool to see spinning blades on jets and for intakes to be see through so it wouldn't look like our intakes were leading to an empty void or black hole. As you may have noticed I really want to see plane making improved because I'm a huge fan of planes so most of these are improvements to making them and using them, except not completely with the time warp thing.
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