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Posts posted by ConsoleCoder

  1. Landed on Duna and returned for the first time ever, and it was in Exploration mode. This is the first manned two-way trip to another planet I've ever done. Not even in KSP1 have I done a manned interplanetary mission that doesn't involve stranding Kerbals. 







  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: 64-bit Windows 11 Home | CPU: 11th Ge Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400f | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM16.0 GB

    Title: (a sentence that summarizes the issue)

    Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400F @ 2.60GHz   2.59 GHz

    Severity:  Med

    Frequency: Low

    Description: When flying my rocket over kerbin, I noticed the water was missing. The LOD of the surface underwater works fine, but the water just doesn't display. Furthermore, the atmosphere lacks any scattering or distance tint. Sunsets do still appear the right color, but only the sky is visible, not distance scatter. This does not appear in map view.

    Included Attachments:

  3. From what I can tell, the celestial bodies in KSP2 have much fewer biomes than in KSP1, often around just 4 or 5. Additionally, the  biomes don't seem to give new science when doing anything besides a surface sample (And possibly a crew observation). I can't find any lists of biomes for KSP2, but honestly, it's not really worth it unless you want to absolutely maximize science. Il just say that if it looks a lot different, it's probably a different biome. It's much harder to science spam in KSP2.

  4. For anyone who likes to eyeball the transfer windows, here you go. These transfer windows are to scale with the orbits of the planets in Kerbal Space Program 2, aside from the eccentricity. I have a version where Kerbin is on top, and a version where Kerbin is on the side. Feel free to use it.



  5. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: 64-bit Windows 11 Home | CPU: 11th Ge Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400f | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM16.0 GB

    When below a specific elevation on Kerbin, approximately within the upper atmosphere, the sky the skybox appears static, failing to reflect the rotational movement of Kerbin. Despite Kerbin's rotation, stars remain stationary, suggesting that the skybox is somehow fixed to the celestial body's rotation. Additionally, when below this designated elevation, the skybox appears to be offset, with stars and celestial objects positioned incorrectly compared to their actual locations. 

    Included Attachments:


  6. On 11/16/2023 at 11:21 PM, Superfluous J said:

    Cool looking station! This is the kind of stuff I hope we will be encouraged to build by the progression modes.

    Seems they have, at least twice so far.


    Ive docked with the Kerbin Orbital Station twice before to add new modules, once to raise its height, and one more time just recently to bring some of the kerbals back to Kerbin. The sheer amount of reaction wheels in my space station really helps with the docking process, cause I can just set whatever rocket planning to dock to it as a target, and then it will always face the rocket.


    Oh, also, I plan to add more modules once "For Science!" is out, so that will be exciting!

  7. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: 64-bit Windows 11 Home | CPU: 11th Ge Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400f | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)


    When entering some buildings in the Kerbal Space Center, sometimes the KSC side menu stays on-screen, interfering with certain actions. I couldn't get a screenshot of it, it seems to happen at random, so I've attached a representation of what it looked like from memory, attached in the "Other Attachment" section below. Again, the image attached is edited, showing what it kind of looked like.


    Included Attachments:


  8. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: 64-bit Windows 11 Home | CPU: 11th Ge Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400f | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 ti | RAM16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable)


    When my camera goes below 0m sea level on Duna within a large Dunian crater (Image attached) the atmosphere behaves in the same way it would when underground, what I imagine is the atmosphere's intended bounds. When looking down while at this altitude, a black void of atmosphere can be seen below the camera towards the center of Duna. The atmosphere's opacity is abruptly increased below the horizon line. This is not specific to EVA view, it happened while I was descending in the rocket as well, only happening after going below 0m above sea level.


    Included Attachments:



  9. 1. Mobile compatibility

    2. VR compatibility

    3. Three-dimensional terrain like caves or cliffs

    4. Fix the ring particles (In a circular orbit in the rings, the ring particles should appear nearly stationary, as the ring particles should have orbital velocities like any other body in orbit.)

    5. Bring back Gene Kerman in some form, even if just for an easter egg.

    6. Visualised transfer window & delta-v guides (Like a display of a planet's current orbits and the optimal trajectory at what time and place on a celestial map)

    7. Weather effects, mainly rain, snow, wind, storms, and vortexes.

    7.5. If adding weather such as wind or vortexes, I recommend adding some weather visualization, like a forecast map for the present and future (Maybe the future could have a slight error in predicted weather), and a toggle for weather.

    8. Jool intense atmospheric effects (Lightning, intense wind vortexes, giant storms, clouds that look more swirly, etc.)

    9. More realistic clouds for Kerbin, Eve, Laythe, Jool, and possibly Duna, featuring multiple different types of clouds in different layers of the atmosphere, along with different shapes, affected by weather if it gets added.

    10. More scatter on all planets, along with a toggle for scatter collectibility.

  10. Just the other day, I made this space station! I call it the "Kerbin Orbital Station", and it's a modular space station in low Kerbin orbit. I plan to add more modules to it, especially after the "For science!" update comes out. I did have a modular station before this, but I accidentally deleted the save file. This makes the Kerbin Orbital Station the first mission ever launched in my new save. I also may or may not have stranded Jeb in a would-be space station module, if I remembered to add RCS. Now there's a module floating around, slowly getting farther from the space station. Planning a mission to recover Jeb, or I can just load a previous save. 


    Name: Kerbin Orbital Station

    Orbital period: 43 minutes and 45 seconds

    Periapsis altitude: 250,045 meters

    Apoapsis altitude: 252,299 meters

    Average altitude: 251,172 meters

    Periapsis speed: 2,039 m/s

    Apoapsis speed: 2,034 m/s

    Average speed: 2,036.5 m/s

    Circumference of orbit: 5,348,071 meters

    Orbit: Prograde relative to Kerbin’s rotation

    Monopropellant: 36 tons out of 36.3 tons left

    Xenon: 0.12 tons out of 0.12 tons left

    Electric charge: Max charge of 63633

    Crew: 23 kerbals

    Max crew: 39 (39 seats in the station)

    Direction: Orbiting eastward

    Motion across Kerbin’s sky: West to east when viewed from the surface

    Inclination: -1°

    Highest G force ever experienced: 7g (Experienced during an altitude-raising mission)

    Highest altitude ever achieved: 252 km

    Main color: Light blue

    Accent color: Dark blue

    Docking ports: 19 docking ports total, 3 exterior docking ports available, 2 cargo bay docking ports available, 14 docking ports occupied, 4 exterior docking ports available but unreachable due to obstruction

    Features: Large cargo bay with small and medium docking ports, 4 "Colossus" solar panels, 16 "Gigantor" solar panels, 8 communotron-16's, 4 communotron DTS-M1's, an RA-100 static communication dish, communotron-16-S's, 2 Clamp-O-Tron Jr's, 9 Clamp-O-Tron's, 8 Clamp-O-Tron Sr's

    Modules: KOS main hub, KOS cargo bay, KOS crew expansion.

    Location: Low Kerbin orbit



    Update: I added a new module to the Kerbin Orbital Station. This module includes some crew capsules, along with a cargo bay. I sent Jebediah with the space station by shoving a tiny rocket in the cargo bay so he could see the station, and then I de-orbited him to return back to Kerbin.


    Update: I just docked an attachable hydrogen engine on the Kerbin Orbital Station temporarily to raise its orbit. It's gone from about 106,700 meters to 251,172 meters above sea level. This is because the low orbit made docking harder, as my maneuver nodes kept intersecting Kerbin's atmosphere, sending me on a re-entry course. Now that it's higher up, docking should be easier as the space between the atmosphere and the space station is greater. The hydrogen engine and fuel tank is now detached, and I had it de-orbit itself back down towards Kerbin to crash. I don't have any pictures of this, however.

  11. Despite all the docking issues, I actually learned how to dock in ksp2. And I don’t mean I leaned to navigate the bugs, but I actually docking for the first time ever, and it happened to be in ksp2. I’ve never docked once in ksp1, but I’ve done it 3 forms in ksp2.

  12. 72Zk4jq.png

    I made some flags for KSP2, and I just thought I should share them. The image above shows all flags in full resolution, no compression, the same as they were when I drew them. You are free to use any of these flags for whatever you like. No credit needed, though it would be appreciated if applicable.

  13. I’ve listed lots of information regarding kerbal space program 2. I’ve gathered lots of information from various YouTube videos and the wiki, compiling everything I’ve noted so far into a comprehensive list. Here it is:


    Current state: As of right now, KSP2 is in early access. Launched on February 24, 2023. It’s missing interstellar travel, interstellar parts, other star systems, multiplayer, EVA reports, re-entry heating, tech progression, the tech tree, carrier mode, asteroids, comets, moving parts, funds, R&D, and science. However, all of those features are going to be added eventually.

    KSP2 fun facts:

        ⁃    The Mohole bug from KSP1 has returned as a feature in KSP2.

        ⁃    The tutorial voice is called P.A.I.G.E

        ⁃    Howard Mostrom composed the soundtracks for KSP2, each soundtrack linked to specific events (In low Kerbin orbit, at the KSC, landing on Duna, etc).

        ⁃    KSP2 is not under squad anymore. Instead, it’s owned by Private Division and Intercept games.

        ⁃    There are alien monuments and statues on Duna, Minmus, and Tylo, hinting at ksp2 lore.

        ⁃    Eve’s surface is no longer purple, but is now brown. The atmosphere and clouds make it look purple from space.

        ⁃    Minmus is now no longer made of ice

        ⁃    Kerbin now looks more realistic and has actual tress, grass, palm, cacti, kelp, clouds, and more.

        ⁃    The Mun now has Lunar maria and is more like the moon.

        ⁃    Minmus is now made of glass because the KSP2 team realized that an ice moon of kerbin would be scientficly innacurate.

        ⁃    Eve now has a thick, volumetric cloud layer. 

        ⁃    Ike has dormant stratovolcanoes now.

        ⁃    Dres is the most changed celestial body, with Chariklo-like rings, an equatorial ridge, and a surface that resembles Iaptus, and they of course kept the iconic Dres canyon. No longer the gray ball it used to be.

        ⁃    Jool now has a way more realistic aperance to a gas giant, with a swirling green cloud layer (Because it's a gas giant) also with volumetric clouds.

        ⁃    Vall is tidally locked, so the side facing Jool is now rough and light with mountians, while the side facing away from Jool is smooth, shiny, and darker blue. It also has a small lake now.

        ⁃    Bop now has a huge crater in it, possibly from another asteroid collision.

        ⁃    Laythe has a volumetric cloud layer now, and is much more realistic.

        ⁃    Tylo now looks like Ganymade. No longer the gray ball it used to be.

        ⁃    Pol now looks like a lumpy version of IO.

        ⁃    Eeloo is now very shiny and more icy (somehow even more icy than before), with better canyons and craters.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center has gotten a massive overhaul. Now looking more like an actual space center, it has 4 large launchpads, 2 runways, and no Spaceplane hangar. It is also much larger, and even has a boat launching bay. 

        ⁃    The entire space center is about twice as big, and maybe about 8 times as big if you include the space taken up by the launchpads.

        ⁃    The VAB now can construct spaceplanes, removing the need for a spaceplane hangar.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has 2 massive multi-story parking garages.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has 4 large launchpads on the northwest side of it.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has 2 long runways on the south side of it.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has a much larger vehicle assembly building 

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has one larger VAB, one tracking station, many small R&D buildings, a flag, An astronaut complex, a training center, 2 large parking multi-story garages, and a boat launch bay.

        ⁃    There are be 3 more Kerbal space centers being planned, each equidistantly placed along the equator by 90°.

        ⁃    There is now a very small mountain range behind the Kerbal space center, separating the land it’s on from the rest of the continent.

        ⁃    The Kerbal space center now has an artificial water area around the launchpads purely for the looks.

        ⁃    The island airfield runway has been taken down, with only the rundown runway and a single tank left on the island.

        ⁃    There is a new building called the "Training center", where you can watch the new animated tutorals, and fly rockets in a simulator without affecting the real KSC

        ⁃    In an interview with the art director, they asked "How do you differentate seriousness vs sillyness when creating stuff? In response, they said that if it's an asset that the kerbals are in charge of, it's usually silly, due to the fact that Kerbals themselves all have a silly and goofy personality. They also said that if it's an asset to speak to the seriousness of the star system around them, or something govened by the universe and not the Kerbals, then that would be way more serious.

        ⁃    In ksp2, they went with a more realistic style, while keeping a vibrant and slightly cartoonish feel to it. They also have UI elements a retro style, along with many images and videos having a retro color scheme. 

        ⁃    The sound design for the rocket engines and the VAB are authentic. The sound design team recorded real sounds of a real rocket, along with a variety of sounds from the real life VAB

        ⁃    KSP2 will have interstellar travel

        ⁃    KSP2 will at least 4 planetary systems. There’s the Kerbolar system, the Qeg system, the Debdeb system, and the Tunn system. The Kerbolar system is, of course, the starting solar system.

        ⁃    KSP2 will have colonization of planets and moons

        ⁃    KSP2 will have multiplayer support, with 4 kerbal space centers being added. 

        ⁃    The KSP2 multiplayer will have 2 options. You will either be able to work together in the same agency, or you can play as rival agencies. 

        ⁃    The team behind KSP2 is dedicated to scientific realism. They have entire teams dedicated to realism and accuracy, such as a chemistry team and a rocket engineering team. 

        ⁃    There is currently 3 interstellar different engine types coming KSP2. The first is a Metallic hydrogen engine mixed with cesium, which is pink and about twice as powerful as any current known propellant. The second is a nuclear pulse engine, which involves spitting out tiny nuclear bombs against a pusher plate to create thrust. The third is a torch-ship engine, which was described by the developers by “The holy grail. It’s A torch that you ride. Screaming white death.”, and it’s highly optimized for fast interplanetary travel but is inefficient and doesn’t go interstellar.

        ⁃    Hydrogen fuel has been added, and there’s also hydrogen engines. There’s the NERV, a small hydrogen engine, and the SWERV, a large hydrogen engine.

        ⁃    Hydrogen has an absurdly high efficiency, it’s light, but it also works poorly in-atmosphere and is also relatively weak.

        ⁃    Xenon, Hydrogen fuel, Solid fuel, Methalox liquid fuel, and Monopropellent are all in the game already.

        ⁃    There is now a Spherical hydrogen fuel tank, which is very useful for interplanetary craft.

    Celestial bodies in KSP2:

    Debdeb System

    Debdeb - Debdeb is a young, red dwarf star roughly analogous to Alpha Centauri. Estimated to be only 5-50 million years old, Debdeb is a relatively young star. It has a reddish appearance, meaning it could possibly be a K type star. It will also likely have a visible planetary disk.

    Charr - Charr is a heat blasted rocky world, rich in iron. Charr is relatively close to its star, making it extremely hot. It’s very cratered, and has certain areas that seem to be slightly glowing red hot. It lacks any atmosphere.

    Ovin - Ovin is a large rocky planet with rings. It has a dense atmosphere, and four times the gravity of Kerbin. It seems to by decently mountainous, with a tan colored surface. 

    Gurdamma - Gurdamma is a young rocky planet resembling early Earth during the late Hadean Eon approximately 3.9 billion years ago. It has liquid water-filled craters, some lakes, and a Kerbin-like atmosphere. It also has a ring system in which its moon is forming. The rings themselves were a product of a collision with another planet, creating rings from the debris. This planet recently had undergone planetary impact, hence the rings and the moon, but has since cooled down to normal temperature. This impact mirrors Earth’s collision with Theia. Likely had a temperature, mass, and radius similar to Kerbin.

    Donk - Donk is a moon of Gurdamma, currently in the process of gathering material from Gurdamma’s rings to form further. It looks very much like our own moon, with a gray and cratered appearance. It likely has similar heat, mass, and radius of the Mun, although slightly less radius and mass, as some mass is still in the rings.

    Lapat - Lapat is a rocky planet with a rusty, red surface, along with vegetation and a blue, cloudy atmosphere. Likely in the Goldilocks zone.

    Axod - Axod is a planet with a single moon called Umod. Not much else is known about this planet, as it was unintentionally discovered in a developer video, leaked.

    Glumo - Glumo is a colorful gas giant planet with large rings and colorful pinking-tan and light blue bands. It also has two moons, Noj and Merbel. Given that it is a gas giant, its colder color palette, and its freezing moon, it is likely freezing cold.

    Merbel - Merbel is an icy moon of Glumo, orbiting just outside the rings. It has liquid water oceans, a blue atmosphere, clouds, and an icy surface. It is likely to be freezing cold. It also has a stunning view of Glumo in the sky, situated very close to the rings, making the view even better.

    Tuun System

    Tunn - Tunn is the central star of the Tunn system, and roughly analogous in position to Barnard's Star as shown in the game’s files. 

    Rask and Rusk - Rask and Rusk are two binary planets that orbit around each other in a binary orbit. Due to tidal distortion from their distance to each other, they have many spots with magma, due to a distorted surface. The rest of the these planets’ surface is has a brown and cratered surface. The surface of rask and rusk is seen to have lava lakes and rivers due to the tidal forces, making them both extremely hot.

    Verda - Verda is a potentially habitable world with liquid water oceans and a breathable atmosphere. Not much else is known about this planet, as it was leaked.

    Puf - Puf is a small rocky planet nicknamed the "Eyeball Planet" due to a singular, central ocean.  Puf has a thin, blue atmosphere, blue water, and a brownish-tan surface. It also has decently large ice caps, indicating that it’s likely in the habitable zone, and may be a few degrees colder then Kerbin.

    Qeg System:

    Qeg - Qeg is the central star of the Qeg system, and roughly analogous to the position of Sirius as shown in the game’s files. It is likely to be much brighter than Kerbol, and possibly more massive. Discovered in the game files, there is limited information about this star. 

    Skut - Skut is a small rocky asteroid with an arrowhead-like shape. The pointy side looks rough, with many rocks and boulders. The other side is smooth and brown.

  14. The hole looks like an asteroid to me. An asteroid in the Eeloo region. I’m thinking it’s either a natural asteroid with a hole in it, or maybe it’s some sort of new asteroid mining feature like in No Man’s sky. I could be wrong, though.

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