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Posts posted by ConsoleCoder

  1. I’m getting about 40-20 FPS on average. It can go down to like  5 FPS sometimes, but that’s relatively uncommon. I would say 2% of my gameplay is a bug or intense lag. The otter 98% is my game running at 30 FPS with no bugs. For some reference, I’m running KSP2 on a GeForce GTX 1660 ti. KSP2 is currently my favorite game, even more then KSP1. I don’t mind the lack of features, cause I’m not a professional. But I’m also not a noob. Been planing KSP1 for about 1-2 years, so I’m pretty decent at it. My highest delta-v was 27,000 if you don’t have a payload attached, but that’s with the advent of hydrogen engines. In KSP1, I would play sandbox mode anyways, and never really did any ore mining or anything, so the lack of these features in KSP2 is really no different to my normal KSP1 gameplay, except for the obvious stuff like lag, bugs, and hydrogen engines.

  2. Just found out that Kerbin's height texture in KSP2 still has the smiley face easter egg. It's nice to see.  I don't know if anyone has discovered this yet, so I just decided I should share it here just in case. If you wanna see for yourself, either head to the coordinates of the original smiley face (At least I think it's in the same place), or use some sort of texture extracter like I did to reveal the bump map.

  3. 1. Grid fins. They would be a great addition and help enhance aerodynamics.

    2. more heat shields. This would be great for atmospheric re-entry in sph ships, like the heat shield used by the space shuttles.

    3. Bulding and customizing your facility. It would be awsome if you could choose where to place your buildings and customize them.

    4. Custom flags. I think it would be great for ksp 2 to be able to upload a custom flag, this would go great with the new color customization that is planned for ksp2.

    5. Make manuver nodes easier to understand. This one is self explanitory.

    6. Kerbal customization. I would love a KSP avater creator, maybe there could even be randomly generated kerbal avatars.

    7. Sandox mode planet creator. It would be AWSOME if we could create our own planets in sandbox mode. It would be cool if we could share our systems/planets in the workshop.

    So thats my recomendations.

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