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  1. By polish I mean pure beauty and completeness, I would rather play a modpack that adds 2 planets than 100 if those 2 planets hold 50X more detail and scenery.
  2. Jesus christ thats a lot of packs. I think ill just stick with Planet Jam 2 for the time being. Might make a little guide on every single planet and what works there.
  3. Also, what planet pack(s) is the loading screen "togetherness" with a bunch of habitable planets crowded together underneath a rising from? I would absolutely adore to land on and explore all those planets!
  4. I just did another fair bit of exploring around the system, and my biggest jar was that no oceans showed up for me. Not even Armstrong's oceans existed. I tried to land on Dopale and I slammed into the invisible water because the ground itself 5 kilometers down was the only thing I could see. Is this a bug with a specific mod, or is it just the planet pack? (Ignore this, I just reinstalled everything and got rid of a pesky parallax folder left over from a vanilla playthrough, that seemed to fix everything. I made a funny flag but for some reason I cant post drive photos so uhhh i fixed it) I just love the surface texture of Dopale.
  5. Why are there biomes on bari-centers? It was definitely awesome to get an extra 1000 science from all the biomes, but it’s kinda weird. Shouldn’t it just be a gas giant or something with no biome.
  6. I was wondering if anyone had the science multipliers for all the planets and biomes that have them. For reference, I am using the iHAL probe cores from interstellar extended which essentially act as mobile labs and gather data via science multipliers, and am just trying to figure out a really really good place to place one and let it simmer. So far I’ve explored most of the inner pyri system, including [REDACTED] which was super fun to find!! I almost slammed straight into it during a time warp! I just wanted the science multipliers of the planets that have one so I can create a good plan before launching it and spending 100 science.
  7. Ok sweet thank you for the quick response. I thought I was going crazy because MechJeb refused to work and apparently nobody else has had this problem ever on any custom planetary system, so weird. I will switch to Astrogator and hope that it’s as simple and easy to execute as MechJeb’s maneuver planner! If not, I will find something else.
  8. I absolutely adore this modpack and everything that went into it. The only problem I am having is that MechJeb2 is not working in creating nodes or interplanetary manuevers, it always says "error creating node" when I select an object outside of Armstrong's influence. I understand this probably has to do with the fact that there are no delta-v maps yet, but can anything be done to fix this issue and let me maneuver easily?
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