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  1. ok, I reinstalled the game and now it works. don't know what it must have been. probs i have downloaded FAR sometime and ckan failed to delete it. But thanks for your help anyways.
  2. here is the link to ( <KSP Folder>\Logs\ModuleManager\ ) (onedrive) https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtSWSPs6mfEUg6Uolo4JVooco8gRRA?e=KiS70S
  3. Alright here are the contents of MMpatch (OneDrive) btw i am using ckan so it might have messed it up. 2 Items
  4. I have the same problem, but I don't understand what to do to fix it as I have no other mods installed other than opt space planes and opt legacy and yet FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] still comes up in my patch notes. Please help me fix this as I really love this mod. Also, I'm not sure how to attach patch notes if you need them. Sorry
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