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  1. Hello I want to suggest to improve the UI during flight, most especially the maneuver mode. That would be great to add like in KSP1 a button to place the maneuver point 1 orbit later. Also, we really need a way to see apoapsis and periapsis of both current orbit and the orbit we are planning with the maneuver mode, without having to have our mouse on it. It's currently annoying when you plan a maneuver to modify the prograde burn ( or any other directions ) and you don't see the poapsis and periapsis of the planned maneuver at the same time
  2. I'm super hyped by everything, especially multiplayer, to see if we can try to crash togetherXD
  3. the 24 february, it will be my last day of work before a 1 week long holiday/paid leave, so i'll work the day. On the way back to home, i'll buy some nice food, maybe a beer or too ( a good one, not a crappy bad industrial ), and i'll be back home, to play the game. I'll play as "normal" i would say, go to orbit, then to Mun and such
  4. You're making a fair point about performance loss while recording. Unless i'm wrong, there is several recording/replay software that doesn't take any load on the pc ( such as the instant replay of Geforce experience ), and even without speaking of that, if we record, it will be useful to put in the feedback how we recorded, so devs knows
  5. This is a super idea i would even suggest to record gameplay ( with an fps counter activated, and maybe at the beginning of the video, shows current graphics settings ), put it in youtube in unlisted video ( you need to have the link to see the video ) and share the link with the feedback you're suggesting That way, the dev can see exactly which settings are used, how fps behave, if there is any bugs or glitchs
  6. Anth12 On CPU and ram i'm not worried, i have a ryzen 7 5800x and 32 go of ram, i was just worried with the gpu but since ultra spec are on a 1440p screen, i guess i'll be fine, i'm on a 1080p
  7. Sumghai's idea is super cool, i would gladly help to do translation in french. That would reduce the work charge on dev team ( since it's the community that does the translation )
  8. Hello, i'm a long time player of ksp ( even if i never did super advanced stuff, farther i went was orbiting Duna XD ) from France, and i'm a new member in the forum. My work is creating and maintaining hiking trail in my area ( and watching the moon while working when we can see it in the morning )
  9. my mistake, i didn't was clear XD i meant that i was hoping to do ultra at 60 fps in 1080p with my 3060ti
  10. Just saw the requirement, i'm surprised is that high XD I hope i'll be able to do ultra at 1080ti at 1080p, but i doubt it XD
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