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Everything posted by nyae

  1. Huh, interesting, thanks for the explanation @foonix
  2. Please, if possible, add another kind of antialiasing, like MSAA, TAA or whatever. The game currently looks really bad, and the current "antialiasing" is more like a post processing filter like FXAA...
  3. Tbh, they adressed this in the devlog, I'm not sure if you are talking about this just as an example, or more like "hey guys, this thing (that we fixed, sort of?) is broken! fix it"... But yeah I do agree, there is a massive PR issue on this game, like, game development is hell, but if you go to reddit, half of the people don't even think that there is any progress on this game. They just don't understand how game development works, and that promising / showing in development work is just a bad idea, but at this point, it's better to just tell things as they are, weekly...
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