Yeah, but tbh, when you have more ram avaliable than what you really need, programs tend to cache *everything* and be insanely bloated.
You can play with much less ram, one example.
Cities skylines is infamous for using massive ammounts of RAM, like, it can easily use +40GB of RAM, but in my experience, unless you have hundreds of mods, 16 is fine (just for the game)
Would it be better to have 32GB? Yeah
But when I played, the game literally was using 99% of my RAM, it was a stutter fest, but once it has loaded, it stabilizes pretty nicely, even when 95% or something stupid of the RAM is used.
(EDIT: this is because I, by mistake, suscribed to a Workshop collection of like 200 assets or something stupid high, and when I realised what I had done, I already saved my game, besides, I don't want to unsuscribe to literally hundred of mods manually)