So it begins! A new era of Kerbal. I know some of you are really frustruted for what to expect. Indeed if you are on that level of frustration, heres a tip: Don't buy the game right now. This is a great oportunity for the devs to see things comming together, that's why the EARLY ACCESS release. It's not the full game. And if you no understand that, it's because you proprably don't know everithing Kerbal is. KSP invented the Early Access, when this isnt even something. The most Kerbal to be, is that way I'm hopping to descovery on friday. Maybe I get to hyped by the launch and maybe I'm getting frustrated, after all, I don't have any high spec computer as well, but it is good enough to run some of the most modern games. I do believe that we need to wait and see what happens. But I'm not going guns blazing at forums and twitter complaining about defeacts. I'm realy want to be part of this, and for that I'm going to give feadback, and not criticism. Hope more and more people get into this mood and participate.