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Everything posted by mythos888

  1. this. I've played a whole lot of KSP1, to the point that I eventually put it down because there was just not all that much new under the sun (so to speak). I've been very much looking forward to many of the promised features of KSP2 for a long time now. I'm pretty sad that we finally hit the EA date only to discover that there are none of the new features that I had been waiting to try out. Not only that, but the science collection gameplay mode has not even made it back in again. I was never a huge fan of just sandbox mode, but I've always enjoyed the modes where you unlock more-cool stuff by doing things in game with the less-cool stuff. That said, I'm sure that stuff will get better over time. My disappointment really comes from feeling like I have been on edge for so long now, and then when The Day finally arrives, I find out that it is still going to be quite some time before I can even just play what amounts to KSP1 with better graphics. Provided that things keep going, and don't just collapse for no good reason, I'll be back. But not until the game hits at least almost-feature-parity with KSP1 from a gameplay loop perspective. Even better would be when some of the new features/content comes online. Hopefully once a few of these milestones have been hit, some of the more difficult bugs and performance issues will have been worked out as well. I'm glad to see folks here who are thrilled to be playing the game as it stands, but I'm going to go back to waiting-and-seeing for a little while longer.
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