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  1. Hey, so when using USI/MKS the duna pioneer and the 2.5m tundra pioneer modules have the EL Survey Station module available to them but the 3.75m Tundra pioneer does not. Is there a quick way for me to fix it or is this something the author would have to "fix" in the future and i would need to wait for that update? Many Thanks.
  2. I have a question about the landing cradles. I was building crane to move modules about on the surface, when testing it at the KSC i load in with the crane and module(with cradle on bottom) attached to the crane. I lower it and raise it no problem to start but when i disconnect the module from the crane then reconnect, it will not allow me to lift the module anymore and eventually destroys my lifting mechanism. It seems as if the ground tethering is active even though it says disabled and will not allow me to disable it. The module stays glued to the ground. If i swap the cradle out with landing struts i do not have the same issue. Anyone know a fix for this other than removing USI_InertialDampener from the parts file?
  3. Its starting to become a pain, seems to happen more often now. I started a new campaign and launched 2 ships, upon getting the second ship to orbit i lose the ability to use maneuver nodes on both crafts. If anyone has some insight in why its doing it that would be a step in avoiding it from happening
  4. As title says, seems to work for Pitch Yaw Roll but seems to do nothing for translate binds(Seems to turn translate controls off)
  5. Is anyone else able to get this to work with RCS? Whenever i toggle it on it just looks like RCS is disabled? Many Thanks.
  6. My take on a Saturn V Rocket. Successful landing on the mun. Lost orbit lines upon leaving the mun so for now this is all you're getting. (yes, i forgot to attach parachutes lol)
  7. As title states, adjusting a maneuver mode gives no predicted adjustments restarting game does nothing also. I no longer have the use of nodes.
  8. Ive figured this one out. Pressing the del key swaps between flight mode and docking mode. This carry's on from the VAB so if you're deleting parts you are swapping between modes. These modes depends on wether wasdqe is translate or P/Y/R and vice versa. You can hit del at any point to solve this.
  9. Sounds like the same thing I encountered. My directional controls swapped with my translate controls. I'll check to see if it's fixed when I play today, don't think I closed the game and reopened last night
  10. At first it was driving me mad cause i had no idea why i couldnt move when ascending but i figured out my binds for translate and Pitch/Yaw/Roll had swapped around and even when i rebind them(They are still default binds in settings) it wont fix the issue. So my P/Y/R binds is now i/j/k/l/y/h/ LOL its driving me insane
  11. It was landing legs causing this for me. When i removed my landing legs from my lander it no longer used up the fuel in my lander on the initial accent
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