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Everything posted by Ruskiwaffle1991

  1. It's a huge problem especially when going to the Mun. Most of the time my rockets seem to be aerodynamically stable but once I pitch downwards to yaw sideways they sometimes roll.
  2. Hmm... I'm always a sucker for more stockalike aviation parts so I would look forward to more updates.
  3. Yeah, but like I'm playing on career and I barely have any good control parts. Trying the space shuttle method didn't work out.
  4. So I have the X-20 mod and I really wanna try using it but the problem is I don't know how to create a proper launch platform for it. I don't wanna install another gigantic set of mods for this and I don't have the making history DLC so I wouldn't really know how to make a stable enough rocket that is also capable of getting the plane to orbit or just suborbital.
  5. My KSP isn't very bloated but because my computer is quite weak, it will take dozens of minutes to finish loading so I leave it running while it's currently at the desktop. Sometimes when I click the KSP window, it won't open. I actually don't know why.
  6. Aviation is something I have been fascinated with for a long time, and it wouldn't take long before I discover the wonders of spaceflight. Upon seeing a YouTube video about some guy building a really big and fast SSTO, I quickly descended in a KSP rabbit hole and watched some of the great KSPtubers like Scott Manley, SWDennis, and many others. While I wanted to play KSP, I didn't have a PC during those early days so all I could do is watch others do it. Then I inherited a laptop from my parents and that's when I really got into KSP. When KSP was free in Epic Games, I decided to get it and I contemplated on signing up here. Whatever.
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