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  1. I was doing a mission to mun, docked crew-craft and lander, nothing bugged, I landed safely but finished the fuel on the lander, so i thought of a tipical rescue mission. I had to do some things so I saved and left the game, once I returned I tried to launch the rescue rocket but the game doesn't let me, I press launch and nothing happened. I tried to save so I could find a way to resolve later, but it won't let me. when I press save, the window closes but no savefile is created. I tried multiple loads to see if it was just a save that got corrupted, but all the saves of the campain are like this. In addition after a few reloads, my flag changed to the basic one, and I noticed that my crafts on the mun says "location unaviable", I don't know if it was like this before, or if also the other crafts do this. I'm playing since day one and I encountered minor bugs, with easy way arounds, but this one is game breaking. I had to delete the campain and start a new one, doing that, now I can save and launch, but not knowing what caused the bug, I'm afraid of losing all my progress again. In the bugged campain I did a mun mission and a little space station nothing I can't redo (even if it's a bit of a bother to redesign all the spacecraft)... but if this happens more fowards into the game, that would definetly make a lot of people ragequit it.
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