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  1. Yup, have this same issue. Everything basically breaks in the campaign, as in: Unable to save/load vehicles. When you attempt to save vehicles it's as if it doesn't happen. They don't show up in the load menu. Unable to save the actual campaign. It just doesn't do anything when you try. Frequently unable to launch vehicles from the VAB. I've found out that it usually resolves itself when you wait in the VAB for enough time (5-10 minutes). You can then launch your vehicle again. But the moment you revert or crash your vehicle and have to go back to the VAB again, the problem arises again, and you have to wait again. Yeah... not great. Basically these 3 problems are making the game more or less unplayable for me right now.
  2. Hey all, Anyone else experienced this odd behavior with saved vehicles? I save a vehicle in a new workspace. The save vehicle menu closes. When I then later attempt to load the vehicle, all I can see in the load menu are the default pre-made vehicles. None of my saves are there. In addition, if I quit to the main menu and reload my campaign, sometimes I vehicles will be in the load vehicle menu, but only for a brief period before they vanish again.
  3. Can confirm regarding the impossibility to launch after having reverted to the VAB (due to me crashing the previous vehicle, for example). I get back to the VAB, do my modifications, and when I press launch again, nothing happens. I usually have to restart the game, or go to the main menu, in order to fix it. [EDIT] As a small update, I can say that sometimes, if I wait it out a few minutes in the VAB, I suddenly become able to relaunch the vehicle again... very odd.
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