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  1. I don't think people, (including me) would be so angry at the state of the game if it was 5 bucks or less while in this state. But it's being charged full price as if it's a finished and ready to play product. It's just not. No matter how many people try and say it WILL BE, it's not RIGHT NOW and that's what makes us angry at the price. I paid it. I won't refund it, (even if I wasn't ineligible at this point) because I too am a sucker and believe the game will get great. But I am honest with myself enough to know that right now, it's hot garbage and I got ripped off for 50 bucks.
  2. I just now came to this forum to see if anyone else had reported action groups. I see you have. Me too. I can't get anything on an action group to function. I have to manually to extend antenna and solar panels at the moment and it's annoying. Liveable, but annoying.
  3. YOU are IGNORING they promised a playable decent game at launch and did NOT deliver that. We paid for a demo. We PAID FULL price for a DEMO!
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