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Everything posted by Seltsamisierend

  1. Bugs I have encountered in my first 3 hours of gameplay: (this time actual bugs) -Launch button does not work. Returning to KSC and then loading into launching ramp works. -Undo/Redo deletes the entire Spaceship -the 'back' Arrow in the top freezes my game. I hear the KSC music but I am still in VAB unable to do anything. Only fix is relaunch -After the bug above the game crashes on launch, launching a second time works. -Orbital Camera on launch pad All of this happened after building a 'large' Rocket.
  2. Is it possible that boosters are not controllable? If so I have probably overlooked that, sorry
  3. After max burning for a while, the slider simply does not do anything and the max burn continues.
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