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Everything posted by JerichoFalls

  1. So why specifically the engine? I'm curious as to what your specific proposed engine alternatives are and what real benefits over Unity it would bring since the success apparently hinges on that. Currently they use Unity, which has never been great for large worlds but it seems Intercept added custom 64 bit world space code to the engine based on the initial videos, but I may have read into that wrong and they are still using a moving origin. Usually when gamers mean they should switch engines, they mean to switch to UE5 since there was a lot of marketing targeted specifically at gamers for that release, so I assume this is the engine you are alluding to. But considering UE5 wasn't production ready when KSP2 was originally going to launch, it would have likely been on UE4 if they did change anyways. This would give you the same Nvidia Physx Engine (minus custom code from KSP1 - which may or may not work or be needed in UE) and the same 32 bit world space issue, and problems with KSP sized worlds. But if for some reason (especially looking at how release went) they did switch to UE5 mid-production for something like 64bit world space, that feature only came out of experimental with 5.1 a couple months ago so there would likely be extensive teething issues during development. They would also need to learn and get Chaos Physics working from scratch as both Unity and UE4 use(d) Nvidia PhysX but UE5 uses Epics new engine (or port their custom one if there was). Not to mention they would still need to do everything that was done already for KSP2 in a new editor and language. People were already complaining about the delays to this year, I don't think the time needed for the change would've played out too well. So with seeing how release went on an engine they are already familiar with, I'm curious why you think an entirely new production workflow on a new engine would help things?
  2. Sounds good and all, but y’all got any of that fuel system optimization news? Three jet engines enabled and my game goes to 6-8 fps on my 5900x and a game speed of about 1/3 - 1/4 real-time. While it may not be the newest CPU, I can certainly understand when a ton of people say that this game is literally unplayable. Oh and “just use less engines” is the least Kerbal thing I’ve ever heard. But at least they are working on it and we are finally getting news in the official forum! So there’s that. Thanks for posting this here, I don’t have Twitter.
  3. I would love all of these things! For me personally though, I just really, really need that fuel system optimization. I am loving all the VAB updates and am finding building so much easier, but I can't fly my newly built Turbokat-esque plane because the 3 engines bring the game to a crawl. Turning them off makes everything run just fine! Oh and autostrut, because I thought we were over noodle rockets.
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