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  1. Firstly I want to thank the development team, I see ksp2 as having incredible potential and I'm so excited to where it goes. I understand that building a krakenless physics engine is really really hard. That being said I'm sure you can understand that repeated kraken attacks kill missions and lead to a lot of frustration. there are many bugs that while annoying are manageable, other's less manageable. One example is getting landed state while in orbit. This removes orbit lines and removes the ability to make maneuver plans. Again krakenless physics engines are really hard, so maybe until that can be fixed the devs can you give us a debug/cheat window. This debug/cheat window could let us manually set our craft to have a flight state that way we can recover when the landed state bug arrives. While all bugs are annoying the most important part is that our missions can survive the bug and continue to make progress. Other things i really want to see in next update: - fix the ghost thrust bug. In orbit with no engines burning I will see that my velocity/AP/PE is changing. this makes it really hard to be in a low mun orbit (10k) because ghost thrust will drop my PE into the mun. for record I have seen this bug in every body i've orbited. maybe debug/cheat window could let us lock our velocity, and then we could unlock it when we go to do a burn or use rcs. The point is as a temporrary patch while the hard work of kraken slaying continues. - either fix struts or add autostrut. Struts currently have a major performance hit and I've seen unconnected struts corrupt the game to the point of being unplayable. This makes it really hard to build any moderately sized craft. - I love the trip planner, but need to be able to change the origin not just the destination. - the twr calcuation in the vab needs be able to consider a context other than kerbin sea level. While I'm excited for content updates and more parts, and I know that some parts of development can not be easily parallelized and sped up, I really hope that bug fixes and kraken slaying are top priority. Thank you dev team for all your hard work I'm so excited to see how the game grows and develops. I have 800 hours is ksp1, and about 25 in ksp2 now. though I may hold off on playing ksp2 more untill the next update/patch. Things I love: - sound design! epic - graphics, major improvement - new ksc - vab aseembly system is wonderful. - love the new mega truss parts - love the big hydrogen tanks and big nuclear engine. Some long term features I would like to see. - in vab, on saving, I would like to be able to have the option of either saving and the entire contents of the vab or just the specific flight assembly. I often build all the major parts at the same time becuase I need to see how they interact. But then want to save them separately so I can then marge each piece with a launcher. currently its a bit cumbersome to have to repeatedly delete everything I'm not want to save to get an isolated save file for each sub assembly. - maybe this i better left to a mod, but I really like the orientation rings in juno new origins. quick tapping wasd is fine sometimes but some smother control for the sas stabilty would be nice. - many of the features we had in ksp 2: - rotating docking ports - a cheat window - perstage delta v - abilty to snap the rover chair - named quick saves
  2. Amazing sound, visuals are amazing! I love the new parts. with a few bug fixes and auto strut, I would be very happy to patiently wait for months for more features.
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