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Everything posted by BMR2515

  1. I keep running into this bug after I get to orbit and undock my two crafts. I will control one of them and by the time that I go back to the other it is marked as landed and has no trajectory lines. I am not closing the game or anything in between, only switching craft. I as soon as I switch craft the other one is marked as landed. Unfortunately restarting wont fix this so I just have to jump back a few saves.
  2. Reference the video. Started to happen after a few launch tests. https://youtu.be/BsappaDjUiY
  3. It also appears in the original KSC as well. Seems to go away after restarting game. When I restarted and loaded back into the game it spawned me into one craft on the launchpad, but with the staging loadout of another.
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