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Everything posted by 7ravekiller7

  1. Hiya, I have been enjoying the game quite a lot, though I have found (among others) this bug. Whenever I time warp with a vessel after decoupling, the orbit of the not-controlled vessel seems to stay in place, as if it is orbiting the planet at a different place. This place is the same as it was when the time warp started, causing unnecessary crashes. I'm not sure how to report bugs here, but I have included an image to hopefully help explain it. Below is a space station I decided to launch in orbit of Kerbin. The grey orbit is the booster stage, supposed to circularise the orbit so it doesn't fall back to Kerbin. I started timewarping to see if the orbit was stable enough, but it seemed as if the orbit of the booster stage did not move with the planet. Eventually, it crashed into the planet. Here, it isn't an issue, but for coupling the station, I would need to do it without timewarping.
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