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Everything posted by RSPhantomPhoenix

  1. I often use words that are vaguely similar to or inspired by the names of real planets in random Earth languages. Usually off of this list: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Planets
  2. Spiral Kerman. He went on several exceedingly safe missions, before spinning out of control in a space plane in the atmosphere of Laythe.
  3. Does anyone know of a mod that requires the player to stockpile certain resources, outside of career mode? For example: Rather than being able to fill a KSPIe antimatter tank with an arbitrary amount of antimatter, the player first has to collect that much antimatter, then recover it on Kerbin. Alternatively, a mod that lets you prohibit certain resources from being added in the VAB/SPH, so the player has to bring that vehicle to a space station/base that has some of that resource to fill up the tanks.
  4. 1. This mod is fantastic. Thank you so much for making it. 2. Does anyone know if there is any kind of equivalent to Texture Unlimited Recolour Depot's Lazy Painter addon for this mod?
  5. This? If they are going to have water there, they should make the whole thing a cave so we can swim around below the KSC.
  6. I keep finding weird things in how the new KSC is built, so I thought I would start a thread about my discoveries. To start off, you can fall through the launchpad: How does one do this? There is a little dirt road that goes around the big concrete hole part of the launchpad. If you drive along that road at exactly the right angle, right before you smack into the side of the huge concrete ramp, you have a change of falling through the road, ending up in a big pit below the launchpad. Alternatively, you might get thrown into the air.
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