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Everything posted by CoolSpace

  1. More Science Parts: - Telescope - Particle Scoop - Static Electricity meter - Ground Hammer - Ocean Sonnar - Background Radio Antena: This part would be hudge when deployed. I would also like electric props for both air and water, as well as submarine parts.
  2. I think Weather would work well if it was used only in science; players could travel around and collect science using some sort of weather analyzer part, and instead of going to different biomes you would go to different areas with different weather at that time; Sunny, cloudy, rainy, storms, northern lights etc. I also think places like Joel should get some lighting effects so it is much more dramatic decending into it's lower atmosphere (This would of course require a new soundtrack for storms )
  3. In KSP1 one of my favourite mods added city lights, but factoring in how much better KSP2 scatter is, would it be possible to add actual city buildings to Kerbin? The way I would do it would be to set up specific areas for cities to generate, as well as add some modules for the buildings, and then just generate them using a seed; Using the same seed each time so they are always the same, This would allow for both making kerb in feel less empty, as well as providing city lights at night for the player to look at from orbit, or while flying. I would also like to see things like ranches or small house in the more remote areas, as well as communication dishes scattered around, like in KSP1 (but with a better model than in KSP1). Also, I would like a rover launch in the KSC with different types of terrain to test rovers on; maybe in the northwestern corner because that part is kind of empty.
  4. This just came out, I think the new patch will fix our problem as it says "improved loading time for min spec machines".
  5. Private divison just anounced on steam that this problem should be fixed with the first patch, so here's hopping! Things might be moving in the right direction!
  6. Could this be classified under "savefile corruption"? Because Privat Divison has said they are working on savefile corruption problems for the fist patch.
  7. I've tried everything suggested and nothing has worked, I uninstalled, and am planning to reinstall when I have confirmation this has been fixed
  8. Do we have any idea if this will be fixed in a comming patch or update?
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