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Everything posted by JebJr

  1. Current version still experiencing this issue. Windowed mode visible when not in focus, borderless self-minimizes when out of focus. Also unable to get workaround to work when appending --popupwindow to Launch Options in Steam or the target of a manually created Windows shorcut.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.3.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Pro, 10.0.19045 Build 19045 | CPU: AMD 5900X | GPU: 1070 TI | RAM: 64GB Title says it all, video shows me switching between video modes to no effect. You can see the game in a window when it's out of focus, but once it's in focus it goes full-screen. Included Attachments: Desktop2023_07.31-21_58_33_06.mp4
  3. Reported Version: v0. (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5900X | GPU: 1070 TI | RAM: 64 GB I'm here to report having a similar issue, AND a similar issue with a twist as well. I replicate this issue a handful of times here Around 2:30, new twist is that parts are all decoupled from vehicle's reference point, float around as if disassembled, then locked in position again resulting in a vehicle that resembles something extra-dimensional. This happens again but WITHOUT RELOADING the quicksave around 6:15. What happened around 6:15 makes me think that it's related to the momentary game stutter which I experience after clicking "Undock" - thinking back on it this does occur more frequently when the game stutters -- as if during that time the game clock is running and every object's independent physics/movement keeps being calculated BUT the fact that the parts are supposed to be connected as a single unit is ignored for a split second and that little bit of change in position is unrecoverable and it's treated like the ship broke up in a RUD.
  4. The problem seems to be that the maneuver calculation is done by assuming 100% of Delta-V will be in a single direction, ignoring the fact that "prograde" means something different at all but one point during the burn. I just noticed that with my first Xenon engine satellite -- attempting to raise a low orbit, combined with the very long burn time, means the calculator thinks I'm going retrograde by the time I'm half way around the orbit.
  5. With graphics options set to windowed + borderless, when you interact with another window, the game is minimized. In other games there's an additional setting to control this behavior (as well as sound when window is not active). Is there a setting I can modify in the .config to force the window and sound to persist? For making this officially supported, the justification/use case I think is simple: use game with more than one display. How else do we play this game while also engaging on discord in the next autopilot build competition, watching Matt Lowne videos with builds to replicate, and Scott Manley and Everyday Astronaut videos on real space news?
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