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Everything posted by TheRustedShackleford

  1. The tutorials are very well done and it made it super easy to my wife into the game as well. That was a difficult task with KSP1. I also love the countdown clock but, I'm annoyed the launch plume is a static animation. Upsidown rockets shouldn't leave a plume under the launch deck. Also the sound design and procedural wings! So good!
  2. I run Parallax 2.0, TUFX, Eve Redux, Scatterer, and Astronomers Visual Pack with 8K textures. Throw in some Real Plume, Waterfall and you're off to the races Probably one or two I'm missing but, those are the big ones.
  3. This explanation was more informative and entertaining than any science class I've ever taken. Thanks!
  4. Totally agree. I was really bummed to see the Maneuver Node tool from the first game was missing. It was almost a requirement to fine tune a lot of the burns instead of fighting your mouse every step of the way. Here's to hoping it makes a return as well as them fixing the complete mess that are currently Maneuver nodes. Dont even get me started on the encounter icons. Obtuse and a pain in the ass. We have a long way to go....
  5. Their priorities seem a bit odd considering the state the game is in but, at least we should be getting a patch soon!
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