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Not you

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Everything posted by Not you

  1. Seems reproducible if you set a maneuver node and quicksave then load that save.
  2. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 version 10.0.22631 build 22631 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x 6-core processor, 3701 MHz, 6 Core(s), 12 logical process… | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM: 64 GB When booted up, general settings is blank. Load a save and then general settings has On and Off selected for the same setting on a few items. Allow revert and allow quick load specifically. Also happens to infinite propellant and electricity, as well as unbreakable joints. Right now, quick save works but quick load does not no matter how much I fiddle with it. There’s also this annoying thing where when launching a rocket my lights will not come on but the part says they are on, I quick save then load game to get the lights back on. Included Attachments: .ipsImage { width: 900px !important; }
  3. Something that might help diagnose this is putting a cargo bay atop a rocket with a nose cap. Inside the cargo bay, place a vehicle that you can undock from the bottom of the cargo bay, but most importantly on the vehicle you need an extendable communication part. When you undock the vehicle and creep out the cargo bay, you cannot extend the comms part because it’s “blocked” although the vehicle is fully outside the cargo bay.
  4. While bugs are being fixed, why not rollout some more parts from KSP1 that didn't make it in the game at Early Release launch? I'm sure people could have fun with the vanilla parts in KSP2.
  5. My pitch, yaw, role controls reversed, then they stopped completely followed by a game crash and now it stuck on a loading screen. I uninstalled the game, restarted the computer, and reinstalled. Tried launching a new campaign. It's just stuck now.
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