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  1. "There are a couple of reasons for this, not least of which is that every time we release an update, we divert resources that would otherwise be focused on continuing to improve the game" So what I really don't understand: How come a company that makes a game doesn't anticipate there will be bugs??? Here, they claim to delay updates, because fixing bugs distracts the content creation teams... So they only planned content creation and NOT bug fixes? How come the bug fix is slowing down the project? All games have bugs, especially in EA. Didn't they foresee the kraken pointing the tip of its nose? How dare they say that fixing bugs delays them????? And that they prefer to slow down the updates, to have more time to devote to the creation of content... No, fix the game, do not complicate it before that. Obviously I don't understand the argument. I find it mind-boggling. (And I'm not talking about the choice of priorities. In my eyes, fix bugs first, and add content second). I don't work in this area, but I still have some logic. Courage to you, I don't have any more. Tip: Do not correct anything more, you will save time. Just add content, bugs don't really bother anyone.
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