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Everything posted by Kelcie

  1. How does it feel to have taken a sure thing and completely train wrecked it into oblivion? 5k+ hours into KSP1. Never even considered buying KSP2 after the release announcement with that sketchy af EA roadmap. And from a company with the talent and money to have done something good. . for shame.
  2. Paying full price for barely half a game doesn't make sense. Especially for a company that didn't need the startup cash to make the game. KSP is hands down the best game I've ever played. I've waited years for number 2. Vowed to not buy any new games for years until KSP2 came out. But I won't be buying KSP2 anytime soon. Maybe ever if it stays a flaming pile o' crap. Also a game dev, ~Kelcie
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