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  1. I must be doing something wrong, but I can't seem to be able to launch from new launch pads I create. Steps: 1. Be in-flight with a command pod. 2. Open the KK editor. 3. Create a new launch pad using a Universal spawn point or any Kerbinside Launchpad. 4. Save and stuff. 5. Revert to VAB 6. Open the LaunchSite Selector and find the newly added Launch site and Open it. 7. Set as Launchsite. 8. Launch. Result: Spawns at KSC default launchsite I've read a lot about KK and went through the forum's posts, and I feel I must be doing something wrong cause after many troubleshooting attempts and confirming that the mod is working by succesfully launching from Kerbinside Launchsites, I can confirm that the issue is about specifically spawning at launchsites I add myself. I would really appreciate any help you guys can provide! <3
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