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Everything posted by Theonlymaverick

  1. Oh, don't think it is relevant, as I have seen other people with the same issue, but using different mice. My mouse is a Steel Series Rival 3 Wireless
  2. KSP Version, but has been in the game since release Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 11 Build 22H2 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant RX6800 and Ryzen 5800X3D, but I think this is game/Windows related. Expected Behavior Camera and manoeuvre node creation is split, as is the case in KSP1 Observed Behavior See first post Steps to Replicate Reverse mouse buttons in Windows settings and play the game Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Play right handed if you can A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. Vanilla game Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)
  3. Hi, If you are a left handed player with the mouse buttons reversed in Windows, then there is a bug that makes the space part of the game next to impossible to play; with the bug seemingly depending on which screen you are in. For example, in the VAB, the camera controls are tied to the left mouse button and the part placement on the right; which is fine, as you can still build your vehicle. If you then move a rocket to the pad, the camera controls are then tied to the right mouse button, while your left essentially does nothing. If you go into the map screen and tried to create a manoeuvre node, then both the manoeuvre node creation and camera are tied to the right mouse button; this effectively makes accurate node creation next to impossible, which is kind of a bit fundamental. There is a workaround... Try and play the game right handed...
  4. I also have this same issue, thankfully I am not the only one! I do not use a Corsair mouse, I have a Steel Series Rival 3, after some digging this appears to be related to Windows mouse settings not being recognised (as somebody else mentioned); reversing the setting in Windows splits the bindings so they, well, work. This was on Windows 11, build 22H2; not sure whether this is a Windows 11 bug. Kind of an annoying bug, because while I can use the mouse right handed, I haven't done in over a decade; which means playing a good chunk of the game is next to impossible for me.
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