I'll be honest my first reaction was a little negative. I always play career, never sandbox or pure science. Much prefer the sense of progress of starting from nothing, doing missions, gathering science... But yeah the pure randomness of the stock contracts is just not exciting. And I really don't think I've ever run up against money as an actual constraint - it's always just so abundant as to be basically worthless.
This, on the other hand, sounds like it could be - if done right - absolutely amazing.
Running actual missions with real value beyond some abstracted 'funds'? So good. Want to launch that nuclear powered engine? Now you have an actual reason to scan those planets, to mine that uranium, to set up your logistics stations. So much potential for exciting and engaging gameplay here - potential way beyond 'funds'. If done well.
I wonder if there's scope here for some sort of procedurality in the resource distribution? I mean, something not just like 'this spot on Mun always has 5,000 units of metal' - so every playthrough you always go to the same locations (and once you know where resources are / search online, you never bother to scan). But like 'these various spots have a certain percentage of units metal in this range' - so you might know that Mun always has these resources, but always need to scan to figure out where to build your base.