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Everything posted by DeGreat

  1. Hallo Community Hallo Developers I reported this bug already on the official bugreport site, and was told to create a post here too. I encountered a problem when followed criterias are mached ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Build a Vessel with a few stages 2. There is only a Unmanned CPU Pod at last / uppermost stage (Satellite) 3. On this Satellite is the biggest Relay Antenna attached 4. The Satellite is attached to a Fairingplate with a unidirectional decoupler (could also be bidirectional) 5. The Fairing ist built on top of the 2nd Stage / Transferstage, this transferstage has no antenna attached. 6. To build the rocket easyer i already built the Fairing and then defined the Anchorpoint at the Fairing / Fairingplate (This one is important) 7. I flew to Eve, but it also can be just interplanetary What happened then? ----------------------------------------------------- Already in orbit of Eve (can be elswhere far from kerbin) i decoupled the satellite from the Transferstage, and then immediatly lost connection from ComNet! My theory! ----------------------------------------------------- The Anchorpoint set to the Fairing and not the Pod confused the game for the fairing to be the chef-Part of the Vessel, so detaching the antenna from this "main part" is going to disconnect the antenna from the vessel! My Reaction! ----------------------------------------------------- Well then just press the "control from here" Button on the CPU Pod itself. Thats what i did before detaching without success, still disconnect of ComNet. My Proove! ----------------------------------------------------- For my theory to be prooven i just repeated the steps above and built another rocket for outerspace. And it behaved exactly the same, by detaching the satellite with antenna from the fairing / transferstage it lost connection to ComNet. So until this is Fixed dont put the Anchorpoint other then on a Pod Note: i didnt test it with multiple Pods on a single launch. Greetings and trust in thrust!
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