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Everything posted by kkaja123

  1. For now, a workaround I would suggest is to instead "Recover Vessel" then travel to the VAB (not "Revert"). This is much faster, because the game won't have to load up a save file, reload assets, and restart the sim engine. If your attempts would alter things in your save file, I would suggest making an initial save, do your rapid prototyping using my return to VAB workaround, and when you're ready for the real launch, reload your initial save file after saving your vehicle in the VAB.
  2. Thanks for the feedback! I'm currently collecting a tentative list of planned features at https://github.com/kkaja123/AlternativeUI/issues. Anyone is welcome to provide bugs, ideas, or questions there. My current targeted feature right now is creating configuration options for the plugin (e.g. turning features on or off and changing behaviors). I would like to add this capability to AUI fairly soon, so if it is possible, I will try my best to add it to AUI in the coming weeks. But for the next few days, my focus will be on some of the foundational elements of UI manipulation.
  3. What happens when you flip around the inline part under test? E.g. upside-down for a rocket, front facing backwards for a plane. When I tried that out on my rocket using the small inline probe command module, the drag returned to expected levels (about a magnitude of 10 smaller than the default orientation). Aero stats of the test rocket (part in normal orientation) at about 2 km. Drag = ~170 kN. Aero stats of the test rocket with the part in the upside-down orientation at about 2 km. Drag = ~18 kN, even though the velocity is higher at the same altitude. Note that in the first test, the probe failed to keep the rocket pointed straight up due to the massive drag. In the second test, the probe had relatively no difficulty in keeping the rocket pointed upwards.
  4. AlternativeUI (AUI) v0.1.1 - A set of alternative UI features and layouts By kkaja123 By providing a set of alternative UI features and layouts, AUI aims to enrich the user experience of KSP 2 by giving the user more options for controlling their UI. When I say "alternative UI features and layouts", that could include new or replacement GUI assets, new UI elements (e.g. toggle buttons or supporting movable windows), modified arrangement of UI screens, and user-made UI layouts. A Note for Other Mod Developers A secondary goal is to create an easy-to-use API for other mod developers, so that their mods can depend on AUI and can change the UI like AUI does. Documentation for the API in the early development stages will be sparse, since the API will be rapidly changing due to the nature of early access and a pre-1.0.0 mod release. In addition to the API, I will be creating some dev tools for working with UI elements, which may come in handy when trying to create a custom UI element for your mod. Current Major Features Add a toggle button to the OAB/VAB Parts Picker that expands and collapses the Parts Drawer. Download Refer to the instructions, dependency information, and change log at the download location for more information. SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3319 GitHub: https://github.com/kkaja123/AlternativeUI (MIT License)
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