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Everything posted by scyflimark

  1. When staging above Kerbin, the camera seems to center on the location of the stage rather than the main vehicle. When cycling camera modes, the location also seems to be stuck on that original stage point. A reload does not fix the problem. Switching back and forth to the tracking station does not work.
  2. Docking scares the hell out of me, so I've never even tried it. That's not true, I tried, but let's just say I couldn't even get my crafts close enough to each other to warrant the ability to dock. I want to learn though, if I'm going to be a real Kerbonaut, I must cross this threshold! I've watched a ton of vids trying to figure put the best way (there are several). I'm still so confused. So, I just wanted to ask the community for best practices when docking, including the rendezvous itself. Does anyone have a link or guide? Thank you in advance for any help.
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