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Everything posted by Emmett

  1. Reloading the game will usually fix it for me
  2. Happened to me twice, typically with larger crafts, have yet for it to happen to me with a smaller craft. Both times it occurred, I had high part count payloads with a fairing around them
  3. Sometimes flaps will pitch the wrong way when I control a spaceplane, this typically persists for the duration of a flight and can occasionally occur after reverting a flight
  4. occasionally when reverting to VAB, my craft will be stuck in the floor, and I will be unable to retrieve it. Some parts can be pulled up, but the whole craft cannot be selected
  5. while in the air, solar panels, a sattilite dish and a kerbal will fly up past my craft. not sure, but these debris look like the ones from the main menu, where the kerbal flys by waving its arms and legs.
  6. Forgot to add- switching launch location has no effect
  7. Not sure what causes this, but occasionally after I build a craft and press launch, nothing happens, no error message, no loading screen, this persists after multiple presses and usually can only be fixed by restarting the game (I have not tried to relaunch the same craft after restarting the game)
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