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  1. While it is definitely annoying, I like to think of it as an initial stress-test. If your ship can't survive the bounce test, chances are it won't hold up for the duration of a mission either. Better to find the flaws early than to have all of Kerbalkind watching your heroic mission live and be witness to your landing legs falling off at the last moment, dooming all 5 on board.
  2. If you're building stuff in the VAB while you have missions running, you can't use the letter M in your save file name. If you do, despite the fact that you're typing in a text box, the game will yank you out of the VAB and into the Map room/display very rudely. Thankfully since last patch you can typically return to the VAB and your creation will be just how you left it (not destroyed or buried under the floor like pre-patch), but still, it'd be nice to be able to name my Munsto City Lander!
  3. Here's a lander with a duel-rover set slung below that would be jettisoned during decent landing by parachute and going about their own little missions mapping and rovering all about!
  4. KSP - Win 11 22H2 AMD Ryzen 7 5800 8-Core Processor 3.40 GHz 16g ram NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti I launched a 3 crew Mun mission, landed successfully, but was critically low on fuel. The return trip wasn't going to make it home, so I decided to send an unmanned rescue mission. I just copied the original ship, threw a remote guidance unit and some larger rockets and fuel tanks and got my rescue ship to the Mun with plenty of Dv to make it back home. I landed within about 1k of the original crew, but when the dust from landing settled, that first ship showed it was now 10k away. 10k below the surface of the Mun! Bummer for them, I thought, at least I can still bring the rescue ship back home. Well, when I couldn't see the stranded crew initially, I switched to the tracking station, then to the first ship. Once I realized they were stuck under the surface of the Mun, I went to switch back to the unmanned rescue ship, but I am getting an error when I try to do so "observer can't leave active vessel".
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