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Everything posted by BlueB1C2

  1. After some experimentation, I believe the placement of the LY-05 wheel (the small one at the back) is the culprit. It's touching the ground at an angle, and when I reduced the angle to make it roll more level with the ground, I didn't get as much speed.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i5-12600K | GPU: RTX 3060 | RAM: 32GB When I launch the attached plane, it starts speeding up backwards. Seems to top out at 11.8 m/s before friction stops it. Included Attachments: AirShow.json
  3. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: i5-12600K | GPU: RTX 3060 | RAM: 32GB What I was doing: I closed the methalox tanks group in the part selector (I was building a plane and didn't want to scroll past the methalox tanks every time, which I assume is what that feature is for). I went to pick out a structural part and noticed that the struts group was closed. Curious now, I looked at other categories and the corresponding group was closed (the first group). This happens for all part groups, and it's always the part groups in the same place. For example, if I close monopropellant tanks, then engine mounts, radial decouplers, cockpits, etc will all be closed.
  4. KSP version Windows 10, i5-12600K, RTX 3060 On a mission to Ike, then Duna. Trajectory in map view vanishes after I launch from Ike's surface. Of course, the expected behaviour is that the trajectory would be shown. The orbit lines could not be brought back from quickloading, save loading, or restarting the game. (EDIT: after landing on Duna and relaunching, the trajectory came back somehow.) If it helps to replicate the bug: Some of my landing legs were periodically falling off the craft as the mission progressed (probably because they were clipped slightly). The bug did not happen immediately after these events, though. I had brought multiple kerbals out on EVA on the ground to take a screenshot. I had kerbals stand on each others heads for the picture, but noticed that kerbal jetpacks stopped working after this. (picture below) The orbit lines stopped showing up immediately after re-boarding the kerbals and launching I haven't yet found a workaround and I'm just going to cope with the fact that Jeb, Val, Bob, and Dudster aren't coming home just yet. Not going to be planning interplanetary transfers with this. I have no mods installed. Pictures: I'm in orbit of Ike, but no trajectory. Right before I lifted off Ike and the bug occurred. Bob is standing on another karbal's head. Log (4 MB): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/987474134768451695/1089948022877724682/Player-prev.log
  5. Does your plane have parts near the exhaust path of the engine? I think afterburning mode can be have the exhaust blocked easier than cruise mode, and that wings have larger hitboxes than their models suggest. I solved this by moving some of the wings on my plane more clear of the exhaust.
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