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Everything posted by Andrew1233

  1. I have a weird bug in my ksp, there are some weird looking beams from my engines whether firing or not https://imgur.com/a/79rdMOe I downloaded restock with waterfall using ckan, is that the problem?
  2. Yeah, he got deleted from the astronaut complex tab too, wasn't shown in active, no in a mission, not K.I.A, not M.I.A, so by gone i just mean GONE, he died like 30 ksp years ago and still not found :(, i guess the only option is to create another kerbal named bob.
  3. Hi guys! On Nov 7 2023, Jeb died in a SSTO crash, after that I put Bob in a plane and drove the plane next to the runway, then quit the game(wrong way, I quit by closing the game tab). But the next day when I opened ksp again, the plane is gone, and so is bob. Later when I was reviving Jeb using game file, I cant find bob in the kerbals, THE GAME DELETED HIM FROM THE FILE!!! Ik this is like a year ago but I want to solve this perhaps the biggest mystery in the history of ksp(not really). I NEED HELP!
  4. yeah i shouldn't use the real life scale of 35000 feet(about 10000 m) to ksp, I should make a supersonic airliner to do far range high attitude high speed yeah i shouldn't use the real life scale of 35000 feet(about 10000 m) to ksp, I should make a supersonic airliner to do far range high attitude high speed, you know, concorde wait u can reach almost sonic speed using rotors? or is it only duna or eve, not kerbin
  5. How should I see the life-drag ratio? Can I see it in game with KER? Also Im gonna use better intakes tho I wasn't sure about the max thrust height for the Goliath engine
  6. I made this commercial jet that I want it to go to at least 10000 meters high, but my max is only 7000, do you guys know how to improve it? Image: https://imgur.com/a/zeCGxoh also don't mind the decoupler that's for a test, you know, for science >:)
  7. well, I actually dont have any fuel on the back, I put all my fuel in the wings, i use the big delta wing and the FAT-455 wing that can both put fuel in, I also added 3 more Mk1 Liquid Fuel Fuselage between the wings and the center of the aircraft. and i just find out that it will have nose down is because of timewarp, the nose goes back normal when I stopped time warping. i just find out that it will have nose down is because of timewarp, the nose goes back normal when I stopped time warping lol
  8. ahh yes, tho during long flights this plane just have a slight nose down, making it hard for higher altitude than 5000 meters, and I always have to use the elevon on the tail horizontal tail and press deploy to keep it nose up, but then it just stalled and nose down again lol Idk why it just cant get stable
  9. Hi guys! I made a new commercial airliner using 100% stock parts, but I just want to make sure if this is a good place to the the Center of Thrust: https://imgur.com/a/yA82eMy Or maybe other problems of the aircraft that can be seen in SPH, thanks for any help! oh wait i just find out that it will have nose down is because of timewarp, the nose goes back normal when I stopped time warping.
  10. Now we know what are the green on Kerbin, they are not grass
  11. Yeah, after the Laythe flyby, I'll get a orbit around Jool that have ap at any Jool moon excpt for Laythe, I was afraid tho that if i probe tylo, it will slingshot me.
  12. What do Kerbals eat? 1: Ice Creams, they love it, we can find that on reports for Minmus. 2: Snacks(nonsense) 3: Pizza and Soda, found in KSP2 tutorials: https://imgur.com/a/WOC6Jcc 4: Sandwich(and everything in it), found in KSP2 tutorials:https://imgur.com/a/KKqiTUI 5: Pancakes(and everything on it), found in KSP2 tutorials:https://imgur.com/a/X7ZOuXa 6: MOAR ICE CREAM(and everything on it like cherry and Sprinkles), found in KSP2 tutorials:https://imgur.com/9OqCISd 7: Donut(and everything on it), found in KSP2 tutorials and in a name of KSP1 fuel tank: https://imgur.com/53U454u 8: Coffee, found on KSP1 loading screens. 9: Baguette, found in a name of KSP1 fuel tank. 10: Dumplings, found in a name of KSP1 fuel tank. 11: Choco-pie, found on KSP1 loading screens, wasn't sure tho bc might be a Kerbal ripoff. I can't think of anything else, if u know, comment below!
  13. Thank you! I know Tylo is good for gravity assists, but it don't get me into good trajectory around Jool, since my only goal is to orbit Jool and probe it's moons, I don't need a gravity assist that much, I'm noob at this game so I'm just testing what do gravity assists do because people are kept using them
  14. Hi! I launched a Jool Probe named Kassini-JARP(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxFR4nL5dCs), I want to use it to flyby The Jool 5, I have a nuclear stage with 1569 seconds of fuel(not important) and I got a Laythe Gravity assist maneuver: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnSKtfHOeyaqeQx9ggTyWUA/community?lb=Ugkxt9NTPxvZqVQa0fXjuj4caTgM9VZTNHIf, I wasn't sure if that helps to slow me down, I know I can use brute power to orbit(bc I have a nuclear stage) but I want to probe laythe during that(for waypoints). Should I use this assist or other?
  15. yeah I did have a gilly mission, and I think a drone or boat or rover on eve will be cool
  16. "Natural Selection" Class Heavy Cargo SSTO is a heavy cargo SSTO built for medium range transport. Today, it did a low atmospheric flight test around ocean and landed back to the KSC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSewbfpOVuA Name inspired by the novel: "The Three Body Problem" Any idea to make it better? This is my first Mk3 SSTO
  17. thanks! Probes are fun, and much safer
  18. BREAKING NEWS: Atom Aerospace's first ever successful Eve probe landed on Eve, another great accomplish for the Kerbalkind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjFiMoR70ko Andrew Kerman was killed because SAS failure of the Reentry Pod during reentry from Minmus City, fortunately he was given another life from "Magic". Bubblegum founded on launchpad and was cleaned off, ready to launch from again.
  19. This is my KSP PLANET/MOONS TIER LIST:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV_zJBnyqvs I know some people might disagree, but I have my explanation: Bop: Should be lower, but the Kraken rises it. Dres: Idk, although it doesn't exist. The Tesla I heard on it might be cool. Duna: I hate the terrain, it might be better if Laythe and Eve doesn't exist. Eeloo: Hard to go to, kinda boring... Eve: Purple planet with explosive ocean? Cool! Gilly: It's a potato, fun with the gravity. Ike: A nice place to land and build bases. Jool: Gas Giant, I love it! Kerbin: Boring...nice terrain though. Laythe: My fav celestial body in the whole game! Especially with graphics mods. Minmus: I love ice creams, and flat plains too. Moho: Everyone hates it. Mun: I don't like it, especially the gravity. Pol: Looks like pollen with spikes(because it is). Tylo: No use except for gravity assists. Vall: Nice with the Breaking Ground DLC(ice volcano). Nothing really special, but looks kinda cool. What do you think? Post a comment!
  20. it's a trashposting, don't hate me.
  21. yeah when time warping(not physical), they get stabilized.
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